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Region 9 PHIG Convening Drives Progress through 1:1 Consultations, Peer Learning, and Region-Specific Data

National Network of Public Health Institutes

The convening offered opportunities for health departments to connect and learn from one another, utilizing interactive workshops, peer learning groups, and plenary sessions featuring health department leaders from the region.

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December 12, 2024

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Participate in workshops, roundtables, and posters featuring a mix of topics and content. December 18, 2-3:30 PM ET Laying the Bricks: Implementing, Evaluating, and Communicating about MCH Programs with a Housing Emphasis Missed Workshop 1 in November? Revisit the recording , and register for our upcoming December workshop.

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November 14, 2024

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Participate in workshops, roundtables, and posters featuring a mix of topics and content. ASTHO Over-the-Counter Contraception Policy Academy The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is currently accepting applications for participation in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Contraception Policy Academy.